Rabu, 28 Juni 2017


Peak Pines Karawang one of the new tourist destination in South Karawang regency, a natural tourist destination initiated by the youth and local cockroaches is now an alternative natural attractions that can be used as a reference to fill the holidays, Peak Pines Karawang located in the area of ​​Cintawargi Village District Tegalwaru with an altitude of about 550 Mdpl began crowded and enthused visitors began in 2017 which initially crowded on social media.

If you want to visit the Peak Pines Karawang from the direction of the market is a straight loji to the mountain lathe and for those who do not know can see the board directions or can ask the people around, Peak Pines Karawang with a beautiful view so that if visitors are above can look Karawang city and surrounding areas from the high altitude, natural atmosphere and some spots of selfi be the carrying capacity for visitors who want to enjoy the beauty with natural atmosphere of the mountains of South Karawang.

South Karawang have such a tremendous potential, almost all regions have the potential that can be utilized as a source of income village and increase the income of local people live how to organize and manage it, because managing does not mean to destroy like the destruction of Sirnalanggeung mountain located in the Village Cintalanggeng Tegalwaru District Which is destroyed by the exploitation of andesite stone mining, whereas if well managed Mount Sirnalanggeung has tremendous potential that also has a function as water storage for the needs of surrounding communities.

Karawang regency government should be more sensitive and more objective in determining the direction of development for Karawang regency, considering the people of Karawang who with heterogeneous conditions and human resources certainly not ready if must compete in a sudden so that in the end the local community will only be a spectator from the progress of large- Quantities that are currently underway, many natural potential that can be used as a source of income with just a little polish and arrangement so as to create a sense of comfort for the visitors.

Peak Pines Karawang is one example where the area is not too broad but can be used to be a place to travel, live support from the local government to develop and build aspects of tourism support in Karawang regency with Sapta Pesona coaching to the manager and the community around the tourist area so Fore program that discourse and superior program Karawang regency can be realized and can be realized in actual for society of Karawang regency.

Charm Sapta Program is to raise awareness, sense of responsibility of all layers of society, both government, private and public to be able to act and make it happen in everyday life, seven elements of Enchantment Sapta such as Security, Order, Hygiene, Coolness, Beauty, Hospitality, And Memories. Currently, if you see all tourist destinations in Karawang regency there has been no application about Charm Sapta even the Department of Tourism and Culture of Karawang regency is very minimal related to the program is not even there at all.

Karawang regency which is a buffer region should have a program where can explore the potential by utilizing the existing natural resources, which can be an alternative choice to build with oriented on sustainability and maintain cultural values ​​and local wisdom, but unfortunately now all is just a dream because it has been Eroded by the arrogance of the ruler who is behind the shadows of entrepreneurs who do not care about the values ​​in Karawang regency.

Peak Pines Karawang is one example where if there is a will of course there is a way, management, structuring and good management will increase the carrying capacity of a tourist attraction so that visitors not only once come to visit then kapok and do not want to come again because of the impression that Got less fun both from the place and the service.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016


River Cibeet, Photo : Pepeling

If the condition of the river Cibeet this time it is very sad, natural river which has a historical value is very unusual is now becoming a garbage can where to dispose of waste from industries that are located along the south line of Karawang, rivers Cibeet a river that connects the five regions in West Java is one of the ancient river that still exist today, Cibeet previously had cideet name, which means that if the shallow river the dry season the river water is shrinking, but the river is never dry even if hit by drought.

River Cibeet a witness traveling phase to phase of life and the river Cibeet are witness to the journey of a life Karawang where if we trace the story of the past history of the former, there are two rivers that are so valuable to the history of Karawang namely river Citarum and rivers cideet river Cibeet now, Citarum river that is now a river that has been experiencing a shift where the actual ancient Citarum river is a natural river that divides the area of ​​kuta counterpoint to be located on the west udug-udug.

Cibeet is the ancient river that not many people are aware of the literal and the value of a historical, but if we try to do the search, we will be able to find the facts of the reality of past history is lost along the flow of river water Cibeet from upstream to downstream, although geographically river condition is no longer suitable, but the river flow first Cibeet leaving a trail of nature that can give a clue to a greatness of past lives are lost.

River ancestors who never ogled by a related party is now his fate is so sad result of a development that does not care about historical values, the value of local knowledge as well as the value of love of the environment, creek Cibeet who witnesses the trip Jonggring Salaka, traveling Salaka Domas, trips Salakanagara, travel Tarumanagara Pajajaran trip, traveling galuh and ferns, early Islamic sareat trip, trip over a power struggle structured life mataram, trips of government under the influence of imperialism with the structure of order and other trips over the course of time, and time continues to run.

Many relics of places that have historical value coupled with the many heritage objects are not invaluable further strengthen the data is realistic where Cibeet is an ancient river with travel stories of the ancestors, apart from the review will be the value of past Cibeet is a river whose function accomodating and drain the water which is a necessity for human life.

Cibeet which until today is still a source of life for people who are dibantarannya as provider of livelihood of citizens ought to be really guarded and considered carefully by all parties given the function of the river is very important for human life today. The journey is the story of the details can be together step by #pepelingkarawang remember the story of its illusion of thinking, but if the data is going to be giving the essentials keyakitan be a reality.


Kamis, 07 Juli 2016


Location Temple Cibuaya Karawang West Java, Photo : Pepeling

Temple Cibuaya a wealth of invaluable owned by the Government of Karawang regency, this evidence of the historicity of the past where Falkirk is very rich in reserves culture, temple is located in the hamlet Pajaten Village Cibuaya, District Cibuaya Karawang regency and at coordinates 06 ° 03 '460' south latitude and 107 ° 21 '575 "East Longitude. The layout of the temple is located in the rice fields in ketinggia between 4-5 meters above sea level, and is only approximately 6 km from the coast.

At first both the ruins of ancient buildings that are considered the ruins of the Dutch fort, but that opinion changed after a statue of Vishnu was found near the site. Five years later (1957) found the statue of Wishnu. These statues are currently stored in the National Museum in Jakarta as the Statue of Wishnu Wishnu statue I and II.

Cibuaya temple there are two buildings called Weak Duhur Lanang (Temple Lanang / lalaki (Sundanese)), and Weak Duhur Wadon (Temple Wadon / awewe (Sundanese)). Temple Weak Duwur Lanang remains now only building temple foot rectangular and measures 9 x 9.6 meter equipped with stairs in the northwest, but the condition of the stairs in disrepair.

At the top there is a phallus measuring 1.11 m diameter of 40 cm in a state stuck in the ground. This phallus found in the ancient ruins of the foot of the building. Phallus shape is apparent that offer only a square shape at the bottom and rounded at the top. Phallus shape it should be is a square shape bottom, octagonal in the middle, and rounded at the top. With the discovery of the phallus in the context of the collapse of the building,

Weak building Duhur Wadon square shape with a size of 3.5 x 3.5 m. The building is also used brick material. When found in a collapsed condition of the only remaining part of the foot. There are indications that show the building facing toward the east. From the results of the team visits the temple Pepeling that both should receive attention simultaneously to make it more viable locations go as objects of historical and archeological pride Tourism Karawang regency.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016


Karawang Citarum River, Photo: Pepeling

Natural stream with a value level of history is extraordinary coupled with mystical values ​​that had been circulated to be a river which runs splitting of West Java, the river which is now experiencing a shift from the phase of pre-history with which today we see yet concretely not eliminate stored value and meaning as a river that has a witness to history.

Citarum is the largest and longest river in West Java (± 225 kilometers). Tipped in Cisanti, the slopes of Mount Wayang one child Mount Malabar South Bandung area. The river flow through the Bandung basin to the north, passing through the area districts of Cianjur, Purwakarta and Karawang, empties into the Java Sea, precisely in the area of ​​Ujung Karawang flow is approximately 225 km.

In etymological, Citarum name comes from two words, namely ci and indigo. Ci or cai means water. Tarum also called indigo is a type of plant. Citarum is a river that plays an important role in the history of West Java. First, the name of the river is taken also as the name of the oldest Hindu kingdom in West Java, namely Tarumanegara, in the 5th century. Based on geological data, before the West Java region inhabited by prehistoric man, who then called Citarum river already exists. In ancient times the Holocene Epoch (± 6000 years BC.) Citarum area Cimeta (Padalarang) completely blocked by lava from the eruption of Mount Sunda. Eventually the river water to soak a very broad area, from the area Padalarang until Cicalengka (± 30 km) and from Lembang (slopes of Mount Tangkubanparahu) until Soreang (± 50 km). Means the submerged area has a total area of ​​more or less 150 square kilometers. An area that became "Giant Bandung Purba Lake" for a very long time [1].

River nearby Mount Wayang Kertasari District of Bandung Regency has been draining the life and abundant sustenance to all the regions through which it passes as: Regency Bandung, Cianjur, Purwakarta and Karawang. Based on the above explanation, it turns Citarum has a very important meaning to people's lives Sundanese. Citarum not only serves as a place of human habitation in prehistoric times but has a role and significance of staggering magnitude. Entering the Citarum historical times greater even positioned as a means of transport, the administrative center and the boundary of the kingdoms in West Java and also of course a symbol of the greatness of the kings / menak in power at that time.

Citarum very important because, in the past the kings / regents extremely damaging it, even the same was done by the colonial government. In the 17th century even VOC Citarum functioning as a means of defense. In indigenous communities (Sundanese), preserving the Citarum based on local wisdom that grant privileges to the king / regents to hunt fish and hunt deer in the woods. This is what makes people afraid to damage the environment around the river [2].

Citarum river flowing from the upper reaches of Mount puppet south of the city of Bandung flows north and empties into the Java Sea. Citarum administration area drains 12 districts / cities. Citarum supply water for livelihood needs of 28 million people, the river which is the source of drinking water for communities in Jakarta, Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta and Bandung. With a length of about 269 km runs through the area of ​​irrigated agricultural area of ​​420,000 hectares. Citarum is the source of the pulse of the economy of Indonesia at 20% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) with a carpet industries located along the Citarum river.

Citarum longest and largest river in the province of West Java. And greatly affect the lives of the surrounding community. Utilization of the Citarum river varies greatly from upstream to downstream of the memenehui household needs, irrigation, agriculture, livestock and industry. Along with the development of the industry in the Citarum river basin and not manage industrial waste is one of the causes of river pollution.

Ironically, contrary to the historical value and significance for the people of Indonesia Citarum, Citarum is currently going through a crisis. Water flowing through the Citarum has been contaminated by a variety of waste, the most dangerous is the toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes from industry. Currently in the upper Citarum, about 1000 plant stand and only about 20% are treating their waste, while the rest dispose of waste directly they are not responsible to the children of the Citarum river or to Citarum directly without supervision and the actions of the authorities ( government).


Mount Pyramid Karawang, Pepeling

Pyramid within the meaning of the word is a form or a wake-up that resembles a triangle at the foot of the angle formed by two legs that are above or in the form of a pyramid, it can be seen when viewed form the prism then some judgment will say the pyramid, for example Pyramids of Egypt later appeared in Indonesia pyramid Sadahurip and now we have the assumption that the name Mount Lathe past Mount Agung is also a pyramid, and is geographically located in Karawang, West Java.

Mount Lathe or Mount Agung in Kampung Gunung Lathe Village Cintawargi District of Tegalwaru have a form such as the Pyramids that prismatic where if we try to look more closely will be very similar to mountain Sadahurip located in Garut, it is extremely interesting coupled with information from residents about that on the summit of Mount Agung often appear light or light on a particular night, the light if the emergence of Mount Agung or Gunung Lathe heading to Mount Sanggabuana and vice versa if from the summit of Mount Sanggabuana leading to the summit of Mount Agung.

Gunung Agung or Gunung Lathe are among the places that have been considered sacred or hallowed by the local community or from outside Falkirk, the venue of which arena Nangkub where there petilasan Jonggrang kalapitung, Pasarean where there Makom Long Embah Goods formerly known expert Clever, and Babakan a place name near Mount Agung, every month birthday of Mount Agung is visited by many jiarawan coming sometimes stay on the summit of Mount Agung with various interests and desires.

Interest in the shape of Mount Lathe make the team pepeling perform a search to localized, the results are truly remarkable where we can see and get Dorpal above the top of Mount Agung with a large size coupled with a unique rock structures that are there to make the team amazed, but in reality Pepeling only can be assumed given these locations have been no studies of experts in the field, coupled with the discovery of fragments of ancient ceramics in the region illustrates that in the area of ​​Mount Agung or Gunung Lathe indeed have a life of the present, past and future where the first human life ever pase modernization experience with science has known tremendous been destroyed and replaced by the present life. Walllohuallambissawab ....

Pyramid Mount Agung or Gunung Lathe is an assumption because look at the facts and the preliminary data obtained in the field, hopefully, the assumption is immediately followed up by experts who have the heart and conscience so as not to obscure the true facts because only limited pursuing research programs, given the history is a past record should actually have a benefit for generations to come.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016


Stone Ancestors, Photo : Pepeling

The beauty of South Karawang is no doubt, given so many potentials, especially in the tourism sector is enormous, the potential possessed are appropriately utilized with good governance to create public revenue by not destroy nature, since nature is a surrogate god must be maintained to bequeath to future generations.

Stone Garden or the Stone Park Karawang is one of the potential is extraordinary that can be a source of pride for tourism destinations Karawang, rocks of various sizes look so beautiful when polished by arrangement with the concept of natural, Stone Park in the village of Kutamaneuh offers the beauty of each appropriate naming of the community, including: no stone cone, there is a stone Tiger (maung) hole (hole tigers), and there are rocks Mosque (Masigit) all offer the charm of the natural beauty of Karawang.

According to Adang Village Head Kutamaneuh "area we have very many good potential of tourism, historical and archaeologically, so we very much hope that the Regional Government is able to assist in the development of independent Village  based environmental conservation, cultural preservation, the preservation of the history and preservation of local wisdom", Says Chief Pepeling Kutamaneuh village to the team.

Indeed, if viewed potentials Village Kutamaneuh it is ideal when used as Independent Village-based Tourism, given the potential of a very supportive one is Stone Garden or the Stone Park. The distance is not too far from the village office Kutamaneuh it is possible for visitors to enjoy the beauty of the rocks at the Stone Park, the Regional Government of simply facilitating infrastructure, especially the access road entrance to the site.

Stone Garden or beatuful stone owned village Kutamaneuh not inferior when compared with Stone Garden that there are other parts that exist in Indonesia, it is worth it if Stone Garden Village Kutamaneuh to be Geotourism Stone Garden Karawang given the uniqueness and characteristics that are different from the others will be held a special attraction Stone Garden Karawang.

It's time to start thinking Karawang regency government would be a more useful value both for the preservation of nature and to increase incomes in a way that is more directed to the concept of environmental sustainability, considering if nature is destroyed it will be a disaster for the Karawang regency.