Kamis, 07 Juli 2016


Location Temple Cibuaya Karawang West Java, Photo : Pepeling

Temple Cibuaya a wealth of invaluable owned by the Government of Karawang regency, this evidence of the historicity of the past where Falkirk is very rich in reserves culture, temple is located in the hamlet Pajaten Village Cibuaya, District Cibuaya Karawang regency and at coordinates 06 ° 03 '460' south latitude and 107 ° 21 '575 "East Longitude. The layout of the temple is located in the rice fields in ketinggia between 4-5 meters above sea level, and is only approximately 6 km from the coast.

At first both the ruins of ancient buildings that are considered the ruins of the Dutch fort, but that opinion changed after a statue of Vishnu was found near the site. Five years later (1957) found the statue of Wishnu. These statues are currently stored in the National Museum in Jakarta as the Statue of Wishnu Wishnu statue I and II.

Cibuaya temple there are two buildings called Weak Duhur Lanang (Temple Lanang / lalaki (Sundanese)), and Weak Duhur Wadon (Temple Wadon / awewe (Sundanese)). Temple Weak Duwur Lanang remains now only building temple foot rectangular and measures 9 x 9.6 meter equipped with stairs in the northwest, but the condition of the stairs in disrepair.

At the top there is a phallus measuring 1.11 m diameter of 40 cm in a state stuck in the ground. This phallus found in the ancient ruins of the foot of the building. Phallus shape is apparent that offer only a square shape at the bottom and rounded at the top. Phallus shape it should be is a square shape bottom, octagonal in the middle, and rounded at the top. With the discovery of the phallus in the context of the collapse of the building,

Weak building Duhur Wadon square shape with a size of 3.5 x 3.5 m. The building is also used brick material. When found in a collapsed condition of the only remaining part of the foot. There are indications that show the building facing toward the east. From the results of the team visits the temple Pepeling that both should receive attention simultaneously to make it more viable locations go as objects of historical and archeological pride Tourism Karawang regency.