Rabu, 28 Juni 2017


Peak Pines Karawang one of the new tourist destination in South Karawang regency, a natural tourist destination initiated by the youth and local cockroaches is now an alternative natural attractions that can be used as a reference to fill the holidays, Peak Pines Karawang located in the area of ​​Cintawargi Village District Tegalwaru with an altitude of about 550 Mdpl began crowded and enthused visitors began in 2017 which initially crowded on social media.

If you want to visit the Peak Pines Karawang from the direction of the market is a straight loji to the mountain lathe and for those who do not know can see the board directions or can ask the people around, Peak Pines Karawang with a beautiful view so that if visitors are above can look Karawang city and surrounding areas from the high altitude, natural atmosphere and some spots of selfi be the carrying capacity for visitors who want to enjoy the beauty with natural atmosphere of the mountains of South Karawang.

South Karawang have such a tremendous potential, almost all regions have the potential that can be utilized as a source of income village and increase the income of local people live how to organize and manage it, because managing does not mean to destroy like the destruction of Sirnalanggeung mountain located in the Village Cintalanggeng Tegalwaru District Which is destroyed by the exploitation of andesite stone mining, whereas if well managed Mount Sirnalanggeung has tremendous potential that also has a function as water storage for the needs of surrounding communities.

Karawang regency government should be more sensitive and more objective in determining the direction of development for Karawang regency, considering the people of Karawang who with heterogeneous conditions and human resources certainly not ready if must compete in a sudden so that in the end the local community will only be a spectator from the progress of large- Quantities that are currently underway, many natural potential that can be used as a source of income with just a little polish and arrangement so as to create a sense of comfort for the visitors.

Peak Pines Karawang is one example where the area is not too broad but can be used to be a place to travel, live support from the local government to develop and build aspects of tourism support in Karawang regency with Sapta Pesona coaching to the manager and the community around the tourist area so Fore program that discourse and superior program Karawang regency can be realized and can be realized in actual for society of Karawang regency.

Charm Sapta Program is to raise awareness, sense of responsibility of all layers of society, both government, private and public to be able to act and make it happen in everyday life, seven elements of Enchantment Sapta such as Security, Order, Hygiene, Coolness, Beauty, Hospitality, And Memories. Currently, if you see all tourist destinations in Karawang regency there has been no application about Charm Sapta even the Department of Tourism and Culture of Karawang regency is very minimal related to the program is not even there at all.

Karawang regency which is a buffer region should have a program where can explore the potential by utilizing the existing natural resources, which can be an alternative choice to build with oriented on sustainability and maintain cultural values ​​and local wisdom, but unfortunately now all is just a dream because it has been Eroded by the arrogance of the ruler who is behind the shadows of entrepreneurs who do not care about the values ​​in Karawang regency.

Peak Pines Karawang is one example where if there is a will of course there is a way, management, structuring and good management will increase the carrying capacity of a tourist attraction so that visitors not only once come to visit then kapok and do not want to come again because of the impression that Got less fun both from the place and the service.